Skynet APIs


A token will be required for authentication. Customers with a registered Skynet Account may request for a valid token.
JSON format will be used for all request and response.
All API requests should use the POST method
Don't have a token? Login to your Skypostpaid account to obtain your token there!

request token

Error Codes

Token key must remain private and should never be visible on any client-facing code. Errors will come with “error” key. Error will have field code and message. Table below shows the error codes and messages.

# Code No. Message
General Tracking Pickup Domestic Quotation
1 200 Invalid AWB Number Invalid Order Number Invalid Parameter Value
2 300 Invalid Token
3 400 Parameter is missing

General Tracking API

URL Path

Request Parameters

# Name Description Data Type Attributes
1 access_token This token will be provided by SKYNET. String Mandatory
2 Awbs[] AWB Number String[] Mandatory

Request JSON Format

                                    "awbs": [

Response Parameters

# Name Description Data Type
1 AWBNumber AWB No. (232********) String
2 EventType Example: POD String
3 EventDate Full date time. Date time
4 Description Status of shipment. String
5 Location Place of Shipment String
6 RecieverName Receiver name. String

Response JSON Format

                                        "AWBNumber": "238721669380",
                                        "EventType": "",
                                        "EventDate": null,
                                        "Description": "Data not found",
                                        "Location": "",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""
                                        "AWBNumber": "201029271122",
                                        "EventType": "POD",
                                        "EventDate": "2018-06-20T20:03:55",
                                        "Description": "Delivered",
                                        "Location": "SETIAWAN",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""
                                        "AWBNumber": "201029271122",
                                        "EventType": "OFD",
                                        "EventDate": "2018-06-20T10:40:38.31",
                                        "Description": "Out for Delivery",
                                        "Location": "SETIAWAN",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""
                                        "AWBNumber": "201029271122",
                                        "EventType": "CHECKIN",
                                        "EventDate": "2018-06-20T09:29:20.953",
                                        "Description": "Arrived STW",
                                        "Location": "SETIAWAN",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""
                                        "AWBNumber": "201029271122",
                                        "EventType": "HUB CHECKIN",
                                        "EventDate": "2018-06-19T23:39:07.01",
                                        "Description": "Arrived HUB",
                                        "Location": "SUBANG JAYA",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""
                                        "AWBNumber": "201029271122",
                                        "EventType": "PUCHECIN",
                                        "EventDate": "2018-06-19T13:11:09",
                                        "Description": "Collection",
                                        "Location": "BAHAU",
                                        "ReceiverName": ""

Tracking Event Types

# Event Code Description
1 Arrived At Sorting Facility PUCHECIN Collection at pick-up Station
2 Departed to HUB LINEHAUL Line haul to HUB
3 Arrived HUB HUB CHECKIN Checked in at HUB
4 Departed to destination HUB LINEHAUL Line haul to destination station
5 Arrived destination CHECKIN Checked in at arrival station
6 Out for Delivery OFD Shipment out for Delivery
7 Delivered POD Shipment delivered to Customer

Postcode API

URL Path

Request Parameters

# Name Description Data Type Attributes
1 access_token This token will be provided by SKYNET. String Mandatory
2 functionstr Use "getpostcode" String Mandatory
3 GetType Use "postcode" String Mandatory
4 GetVal The postcode of recipient address. String Mandatory
5 AWBNumber AWBNumber that assigned to the recipient address. String Optional

Request JSON Format


Response Parameters

# Name Description Data Type
1 postcode The postcode of recipient address. String
2 branchcode The branchcode of the station incharge. String
3 AWBNumber AWBNumber that assigned to the recipient address. String

Response JSON Format

                                            "postcode": "01000", 
                                            "branchcode": "KGR", 
                                            "AWBNumber": "test123456"

WooCommerce Integration

Installation Guide


  • WooCommerce plugin version 3.0.0 or higher installed and set up.
  • SkyPostpaid account API token.

Installation From Wordpress

  1. Go to `Plugins` menu > `add new plugin` and search for `Skynet Malaysia` in your Wordpress Admin panel.
  2. Click the `Install now` button to install the plugin.
  3. After the plugin is installed, Activate the plugin by clicking the `Activate` button through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress.

Manual Installation

If you have manually downloaded the plugin from Wordpress you may:

  1. Go to `Plugins` menu > `add new plugin` and search for `Skynet Malaysia` in your Wordpress Admin panel.
  2. Click the `Install now` button to install the plugin.
  3. After the plugin is installed, Activate the plugin by clicking the `Activate` button through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress.


In order to configure your Skynet plugin, you will need your API token. If you do not have an API token, please request for one from

  1. Fill up your company/sender information and API token in WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Skynet.
  2. You may also click the `Load default store address` button to load WooCommerce's default store address that you have configured in WooCommerce settings.
  3. Save your information by clicking the `Save Changes` button.
    woocommerce setting

User Guide

Printing Airwaybill

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Orders and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for.
  2. Fill up the fields. Note: You have to make sure that the Shipping Address details are correct before you proceed to print.
  3. Click 'Print Airwaybill' to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    woocommerce before print

Reprinting Airwaybill

If you want to reprint the Airwaybill due to some unforeseen circumstances, you may:

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Orders and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for.
  2. Click 'Reprint Airwaybill' to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    woocommerce after print

OpenCart Integration

Installation Guide


  • OpenCart version or higher installed.
  • SkyPostpaid account API token.


  1. Go to OpenCart Extension Store and search for `Skynet Malaysia Shipping` or click here.
  2. Click the `Download` button and login with your OpenCart account to proceed download.
  3. Once downloaded, extract the
  4. Go to upload folder, copy the admin folder and paste into your opencart root files system.
  5. Login to your opencart admin web system, on the left menu panel, navigate to `Extensions`>`Installer`.
  6. Click `Upload` button and browse for inside the downloaded Skynet Malaysia Shipping Module and click Open.
  7. Once uploaded, the will be listed in the Install History.
  8. On the left menu panel, navigate to `Extensions`>`Modifications`.
  9. On the Modification List, Skynet Malaysia should be listed, if not click button at the top right.
    If still not listed after Refresh, repeat from step 4.


In order to configure your Skynet Malaysia Module, you will need your API token. API Token can be obtained from here.

  1. Login to your opencart admin web system, on the left menu panel, navigate to `Extensions`>`Extensions` and Choose the extension type of Modules.
    opencart config 1
  2. Scroll down and find Skynet Malaysia and click opencart install button button.
    opencart config 2
  3. Once Installed, click opencart edit button button at Skynet Malaysia module.
    opencart config 3
  4. On Edit Skynet Malaysia Module page, insert the API Token and click opencart save button.
    opencart config 4

User Guide

Printing Airwaybill


  1. Go to List of Orders page and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for and click opencart view button.
  2. On Order Details page, scroll down to Order History section and click `Skynet Malaysia` tab.
  3. Fill up the fields and click opencart view button to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
opencart single


  1. Go to List of Orders page and select the multiple orders that you want to print the Airwaybill at once and click opencart view button.
  2. On Print Bulky Skynet Airwaybill page, fill up the fields for each order and click opencart view button to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
opencart single

Reprinting Airwaybill

If you want to reprint the Airwaybill due to some unforeseen circumstances, you may:

  1. Go to `Skynet Malaysia`>`Printed Airwaybills` and click for order that you want to reprint the airwaybill.
    opencart config 2

EasyStore Integration

Installation Guide


  • SkyPostpaid account API token.


  1. Login to your EasyStore account or click here to login.
  2. Go to EasyStore App Marketplace and search for `Skynet Malaysia` or click here.
  3. Click the `Install this app` button to proceed the installation inside your store.
  4. EasyStore will prompt out the authorization granted to the Skynet Malaysia app for the installation.
  5. Click `Install` button to proceed with the installation.


In order to configure your Skynet plugin, you will need your API token. If you do not have an API token, please request for one from

  1. Login to your EasyStore admin web system, on the left menu panel, navigate to `App` and click on the Skynet Malaysia app inside the list of installed app.
  2. On Skynet Malaysia app page, insert the API Token and click `Save` button.
    easystore configuration

User Guide

Printing Airwaybill


  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for.
  2. On the order details page, click the `Fulfill` button and select the Skynet Malaysia.
  3. Fill up the fields and click `Print Airwaybill` button to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    easystore single


  1. Go to Orders and tick the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for at one go.
  2. After done select the order, click on the `More actions` at the top of the order list and click on the `Print Bulk Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Fill up all the fields for each order and click `Print Airwaybill` button to print out the Airwaybill for each order in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    easystore single

Reprinting Airwaybill

If you want to reprint the Airwaybill due to some unforeseen circumstances, you may:

First Method


  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for.
  2. On the order details page, scroll down to the History section and click the Label is printed.
  3. In the Message description, click `here` text to reprint out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    easystore single


  1. Go to Orders and tick the order that you want to reprint the Airwaybill for at one go.
  2. After done select the order, click on the `More actions` at the top of the order list and click on the `Print Bulk Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Click `Reprint Airwaybill` button to reprint out the Airwaybill for each order in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    easystore single

Second Method

  1. Navigate to `App` and click on the Skynet Malaysia app inside the list of installed app.
  2. On Skynet Malaysia app page, click on the `Printed Airwaybills` panel.
    easystore single
  3. On the list of previous printed Skynet Airwaybills, click the `Reprint Airwaybill` button to reprint out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    easystore single

Shopify Integration

Installation Guide


  • SkyPostpaid account API token.


  1. ogin to your Shopify account or click here to login.
  2. Go to Shopify App Store and search for `Skynet Malaysia` or click here.
  3. Click the `Add app` button to proceed the installation inside your store.
  4. Shopify will prompt out the authorization granted to the Skynet Malaysia app for the installation.
  5. Click `Install app` button to proceed with the installation.


In order to configure your Skynet plugin, you will need your API token. If you do not have an API token, please request for one from

  1. Login to your Shopify Store system, on the left menu panel, click on the `Apps`, then click on the Skynet Malaysia app inside the list of installed app.
  2. On Skynet Malaysia app page, insert the API Token and click `Save` button.
    shopify configuration

User Guide

Printing Airwaybill


  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for.
  2. On the order details page, click the `More actions` at the upper right and click the `Print Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Fill up the fields and click `Print Airwaybill` button to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    shopify single


  1. Go to Orders and tick the order that you want to print the Airwaybill for at one go.
  2. After done select the order, click on the `More actions` at the top of the order list and click on the `Print Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Fill up all the fields for each order and click `Print` button to print out the Airwaybill for each order in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    shopify bulk

Reprinting Airwaybill

If you want to reprint the Airwaybill due to some unforeseen circumstances, you may:

First Method


  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to reprint the Airwaybill for.
  2. On the order details page, click the `More actions` at the upper right and click the `Print Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Click `Reprint Airwaybill` button to reprint out the Airwaybill in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    shopify single


  1. Go to Orders and tick the order that you want to reprint the Airwaybill for at one go.
  2. After done select the order, click on the `More actions` at the top of the order list and click on the `Print Bulky Skynet Airwaybill` from the list.
  3. Click `Reprint Airwaybill` button to reprint out the Airwaybill for each order in the PDF format. A generated Airwaybill will be displayed in the new tab.
    shopify single

Second Method

  1. On the left menu panel, click on the `Apps` and click on the Skynet Malaysia app inside the list of installed app.
  2. On Skynet Malaysia app page, click on the `Printed Airwaybills with Latest Status` panel.
    shopify single
  3. On the list of previous printed Skynet Airwaybills, click the `Reprint Airwaybill` button to reprint out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    shopify single

BizApp Integration

Installation Guide


  • SkyPostpaid account API token.


In order to configure your Skynet plugin, you will need your API token. If you do not have an API token, please request for one from

  1. Login to your BizApp system, on the left menu panel, navigate to `PROFIL & TETAPAN` and click `SISTEM` on the right above menu panel.
  2. Scroll down to the `Skynet Api key` in red box
  3. On Skynet Api key box, insert Account No, Access Token and click `KEMASKINI PROFIL` button at the bottom page.

User Guide

Printing Airwaybill

  1. Go to left menu panel, click TEMPAHAN BARU and fill up the form.
  2. After click `HANTAR TEMPAHAN`, going back to first page and click the order created using bizapp web page
    bizapp 1
  3. Click three dots at the right menu panel and click red tab `*HANTAR REKOD KE SISTEM KURIER`.
    bizapp 2
  4. Select `SKYNET` for courier and fill up the fields.
    bizapp 3
  5. Click `HANTAR KE SKYNET`.
    bizapp 4
  6. In the popup message click on `AWB (A4)` button to print out the Airwaybill in the PDF format.
    bizapp 5
Skynet Logo

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